Bump Physio & Pilates is now closed, and no longer seeing patients for physiotherapy or pilates classes.
We thank you for you support over the past 13 years, and wish you all the best for your pregnancy and postnatal journey. The Bump Physio Team xx
Did you know that Bump Physio stock a wide range of SRC products?
Two of the most popular items we sell are the Pregnancy and Recovery Compression Garments.
The SRC Pregnancy garments (available in shorts or leggings) are designed to help with common pregnancy complaints, such as back pain, sacro-iliac joint (SIJ) pain, pubic symphysis pain and varicose veins. They work by providing constant, gentle support and compression to the pelvis, which helps to activate muscles, encourage core strength and reduce both swelling and muscle fatigue. The pregnancy garments come in both under the bump and over the bump styles, and can be fitted at any stage during your pregnancy.
SRC Recovery Shorts and leggings are designed to help in those initial weeks and months following delivery, particularly if you have had a c-section, have an abdominal separation or experienced either an episiotomy or tear during birth. The garments provide stability for your lower back, abdomen, pelvis and pelvic floor area, which can help make those mum tasks, such as feeding, bathing and lifting your baby, a lot more comfortable. We can fit you for these garments anytime from 36 weeks gestation, or after you’ve had your baby.
New research from 2022 has proven that ‘abdominal binding’ during the first 8 weeks post-partum can significantly help to reduce abdominal separation. SRC Recovery shorts and leggings are an easy, comfortable and effective method of abdominal binding!
The range of SRC products were designed in consultation with an obstetrician and are endorsed by the Australian Physiotherapy Association! And with eligible health funds, you may even be able to claim some money back! For more information, or to arrange a fitting, don’t hesitate to contact Bump Physio!